"The award-winning film follows Dr. Gazda and Hope for Humans Co-Founder, Sally Baynton, Ph.D., to a care center they established in Odek, a small community in northern Uganda, that has seen hundreds of children suffer from a neurological disease called Nodding Syndrome. Although there is no known cause or cure for this mysterious disease, Hope for Humans works to provide treatment to children, support their families, and explore possibilities for curing Nodding Syndrome." Read more about it on the NOWCAST Website.
Friday, March 29, 2013
San Antonio nonprofit Hope for Humans named 2013 Neuro Film Festival Grand Prize Winner
Thanks to NOWCAST for sending us info about this compassionate San Antonio organization. "Hope for Humans, a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in San
Antonio that serves the northern region of Uganda, was awarded the 2013
Neuro Film Festival Grand Prize by the American Brain Foundation on
March 22, 2013.
"The award-winning film follows Dr. Gazda and Hope for Humans Co-Founder, Sally Baynton, Ph.D., to a care center they established in Odek, a small community in northern Uganda, that has seen hundreds of children suffer from a neurological disease called Nodding Syndrome. Although there is no known cause or cure for this mysterious disease, Hope for Humans works to provide treatment to children, support their families, and explore possibilities for curing Nodding Syndrome." Read more about it on the NOWCAST Website.
"The award-winning film follows Dr. Gazda and Hope for Humans Co-Founder, Sally Baynton, Ph.D., to a care center they established in Odek, a small community in northern Uganda, that has seen hundreds of children suffer from a neurological disease called Nodding Syndrome. Although there is no known cause or cure for this mysterious disease, Hope for Humans works to provide treatment to children, support their families, and explore possibilities for curing Nodding Syndrome." Read more about it on the NOWCAST Website.
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When I first read this blog, I wasn't familiar with this disease. Now that I have read up on it, I find this truly inspiring. I didn't know that there was such an organization here in my hometown. I think that is beautiful for these people to help and support these children and their families deal with this terrible disease.